Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sadie and Juner- Henry.

We're now a full two weeks behind in blogging. Don't tell her I said it, but most of it can be blamed on mama. Something about her big belly and the fact that we now have cable tv for the first time ever. (Did you know Chad Ochocinco has his own reality dating show? It's as awful as it sounds, and mama says she's going to watch every episode.) We promise we'll try to catch up this week, because being this far behind is unacceptable. Rewind back to Marion. June and Sadie had a good time playing dinosaurs together, but both are firmly entrenched in a "That's mine!" stage. Sadie actually figured out that the best way to irritate June is to take her toy, while all she has to do to get my riled up is mention that whatever object I'm playing with is hers. She doesn't even have to take it. Gets me every time.
June and Sadie conspired together to stage a dinosaur attack.

This is what a dinosaur attack sounds like. And you can tell from the first half of the video that we're either going to end up as best friends or giving each other a lot of bloody noses.

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