Saturday, August 28, 2010

First bath- Georgiana.

If two kids in a bathtub isn't noisy enough, add one more kid to the mix.
Luckily, they didn't put me in the tub with Buster and Sister. They are crazy.

This is what life has become. Me screaming, Henry running around half naked, and Junie drinking bath water.
After I got used to it, my bath wasn't so bad.

The big kids have been getting lots of threats over getting too rowdy in the bathtub lately.
We mentioned that my umbilical cord fell off at the park. Mama attributes it to the fact that after my bath I got a nice warm up and dry off from the hair dryer. They really dried out my cord. Papa thinks my cord is gross, and mama agrees that the gunk underneath it can get pretty nasty. But a bath and a blast from the hair dryer got rid of that.
And to top it off, a nice cuddle with papa. Mama swears she has the exact same picture of papa with June. She just needs to find it.
After our bath, June asked to hold me for the first time. This picture is so darn cute.
June certainly has been regressing a bit. She doesn't want to be "big girl June," but instead "Baby June."
Lucky for her, she's so cute she gets away with sitting in the bouncy chair.
What a stinker.
After the kids went to bed, I got to stay up with Grandpa. That drives Henry crazy.

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