Sunday, October 11, 2009

Waterfalls- Henry.

It stopped raining today. So we decided to go out for a hike.
We drove closer to the mountains and took a hike in Oconee State Park to see a waterfall. Apparently, there are at least 30 waterfalls within hiking distance in the area.
Mama carried Juner in her backpack, but I had to walk.
Papa tried to take a nap, but June wouldn't let him close his eyes.
It helps that it has been raining. The falls were great!

June played in the water.
But she got mad when she stepped in the water and got her sock wet.
I got my sock wet too, but didn't get to take my sock off until we got back to the van.
We climbed rocks until mama got worried the rocks were too slippery.
South Carolina is quite pretty, but we're still waiting for fall to come.

Buggy rode back with papa while mama took pictures.

Everyone ran into a road block and had to ask to get through.

Junie was good the whole hike.

But she mocked me because she didn't have to walk.

I've inherited more than my good looks from mama. I also insisted on carrying a map and checking it every four minutes to make sure we were going the same way, just like mama does.

We hiked out of the woods, but I declared I was too tired to go on when we were less than 20 yards from the end of the trail. Mama told me she could see the car and that she wouldn't carry me out.

1 comment:

wirrek said...

Hey! I found your blog. We do a lot of hiking too, but I only post about once a week.