Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last week- Henry.

Mama has a ton of great hand-me-downs for Juner. Some work, others don't. We're going to file this one under please put it away immediately.

Here's a video of June's favorite pastime-dancing and the ever cute jump. Also featuring my constant commentary. And the reason June needs to put this jumper away. Way too short.

More dancing. This one has June doing the one-knee bend that she got from Sadie. And if you can understand it, I explain that we have a dance move at school called "Inches in front, inches in back." It's a short of thrust where you stick your belly out, then you stick your bottom out. Mama and papa can't figure out what it means because I generally refuse to tell them anything about school.

We worked on some ornaments to send to PawPaw for his little Christmas tree in Iraq. I painted and June colored. After the paint-eating incident, mama says she has to wait til she's three.

When June isn't dancing, she prefers to be at the table coloring with her markers. When I was little, if I couldn't get a marker open, I just gave up. June grunts and visibly strains herself to get markers open. When mama was uploading the videos to the blog, June caught a glimpse of herself opening up her markers and put on a repeat performance with extra grunting and yelling.

Pawps, if you're reading this, don't look ahead. We want your ornaments to be a surprise.

I spent about an hour painting this train.
I painted this cookie too. After the train, I didn't have the energy to paint more colors.

June colored this bear. She meant only to color the ball. It has approximately 398 different color applications on it. Any other markings on the bear are purely accidental or because mama tried to get her to color somewhere else.

On Friday, mama went with me to school to take my class to see a performance of "Rainbow Fish." (Or the Communist Manifesto, as our friend Mister Andy calls it.) Mama drove two kids on to campus and meant to take more pictures, but didn't once she was in a crowded auditorium with one thousand loud 4 to 7 year-olds. She is happy to say that my class was very well behaved, though we all got a little antsy by the time it was over. I wanted to sit by mama, but Landon wouldn't trade me seats, so I sulked for a while and that kept me quiet.

Friday after was very quiet. I just wanted to color the Christmas printouts mama made me.

Here's the finished project. You can tell this one kept me busy for a while.

And Junie stood at the desk playing with beads.

Papa worked late, so mama said we could have a special movie night. We watched "The Christmas Dinosaur." It wasn't anything worth writing home about, but it was only 47 minutes long and we were happy to get to watch TV. Mama spent her time playing with Junie's hair.

It's not long enough for a pony tail, but it is long enough for this fancy hairdo that mama remembers getting when she was trying to grow her hair out in 5th grade.

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