Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Visit to Santa- Henry.

Nothing make mama happier at Christmas than a good drive-through light display. And living in the South adds a new element- the walk-through display.
We got out of the car and found out Santa was inside. Mama said I could go talk to him if I wanted, but I did not want to talk to him. She asked how Santa would know what to get me and I told her that "Santa would thik really hard and come up with something good." I wouldn't even stand in front of the real Santa, but we got this picture of us in front of a display.

There was an activity I did want to take part in- marshmallow roasting! Four for a buck and it comes with a stick.

June took hers raw.

Not that mine were cooked. I held them over the fire for about 2 seconds than stuffed them in my mouth as fast as I could.
(Nice snowflake tights.)

Since it was a slow night, mama made papa stop a lot so she could play with the shutter speed on her camera. Here's an elf throwing presents in a stocking.

And we didn't forget the proud southern heritage- here's a cannon blowing a cannonball across the road.

On the left is the big red explosion.

On Wednesday, we opened the mailbox to find a present from Miss Megan- santa hats!

Junie wore hers and tried to put mine on her dolly.

We think that family pictures might actually be fun this year. June likes to say cheese and I am easily bribed with candy. Thanks for the awesome hats Miss Megan!

Before bed, papa and I checked out this cool book that shows cross-sections of trains, ships, subway stations, oil rigs, etc. The best part is that you can always find a bathroom and some guy sitting on the potty. Mama and I think this is pretty funny. Papa thinks we should grow up.

1 comment:

MegC said...

I am so glad the hats fit. The first round of Lilly's did not fit. It may fit her Dolly,(Who we have actually named Dolly). I hope you guys have a safe drive up north for the holidays. I look forward to seeing all of you. I can't wait for you to meet Lilly too. :) Love, Meg