Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lazy afternoon-Mama.

UPDATE: All of the videos are working now. Check them out. There's a lot of our kids crying while we laugh.

The trauma of the winter weather was too much for June. It is very clear that June is papa's girl while Henry is turning out to be more like mama. June and papa both have sworn off cold weather.
Add on the fact that papa has a cold and Juner has some bad diaper rash, and they were forced to cuddle on the couch for a half hour.
Junie's blankie was in the dryer, so she got it all warm and cuddly, along with a blanket, a sheet and a mattress pad that Henry piled on top of them. Maybe her teeth are bothering her, as I noticed that her 3rd second year molar has broken through.

June really is coming into her own as she approaches her second birthday. She's expanding her vocabulary beyond her favorite word (and food)- "nana." Yesterday at the grocery store, she pointed and yelled out "Apple!" She also identified and screamed "bubble!" when we were playing outside.

She loves dinosaurs, Little People, and Dora (to the dismay of the rest of the family, who get the sings stuck in their head for hours after an episode). At Aunt Jenni's suggestion, we got out some pipe cleaners for her to bead pony bead on. She really liked it, but only wanted to put beads on one end and immediately take them off the other end, so there's no end product to show. She's also known to grab your hand and pull you to the guest room while begging "Tickle, tickle," which is her word for pillow fight, a nightly after supper tradition. Often, you'll hear her yelling and find that she's climbed into the guest bed and piled pillows on top of herself. She just lays there and giggles until someone finds her.
Henry is becoming quite the show-off. Whenever June has her picture taken, he demands a picture of himself. Very natural smile, Henro.
Henry is starting to tune into other people's behavior. He'll admonish you for not being polite if you don't answer him immediately. He noticed this week when I was crying. (After an especially trying field trip with Henry's class. Why do I always get a van full of rowdy boys and everyone else gets sweet, quiet girls. I think they are going to stop asking me to come on these field trips. Or maybe I'm the only mom who will still take the boys.) Despite occasional meltdowns of frustration, he is really growing up and has been very patient with my laziness during this pregnancy. Every day he gets up from his nap and asks if my baby needs more sleep so it can grow (the answer is usually yes and that usually means he gets to watch some tv).
I remember the day in 8th grade when I noticed I squinted my eyes when I smiled. Now, I try to make an effort to open them up when some one is taking my picture. I asked Henry if he could try the same thing.
And got mixed results. Looks like the Seibert awkwardness has hit. I also noticed in this picture that he has the same weird eyebrow arch as me.


MegC said...

Are you going to send me a baby picture update? I'm just imaging how I felt at this stage a year ago...and realized that I want to live vicariously through you for the next 6 months. :) (Much better than rushing into anything) ;)

Sadie and Dash said...

This is my favorite post ever.