Saturday, February 13, 2010


Grams pointed out that mama must have complained enough because it actually snowed in South Carolina! And just in time for the Olympics to start on Friday night. Our February blues are officially over.
It started after naptime and mama snapped a few shots just to prove it happened in case it started raining.
We decided to go outside. June wanted to play in the sandbox, but the snow picked up enough that we didn't want the sand to get wet- strike one for June in her hatred of snow.
Mama has said all winter that our house would look so cute covered in snow. Here it is at 5:30.
I tried to shovel some snow off the stone.
Strike two for June- mama won't let her ride a grown-up bike in the snow.
After supper, we went back outside. Here's our house at 6:30. Looking pretty!

We got rid of our sleds when we left Wisconsin, so all we had to work with was an old laundry basket. Mama said she wasn't going to spend $10 to store a sled we'd only use once every few years. I had a run by myself and liked it! The berm of the rode stopped me from going to far.

We sent June down despite her protests and she wiped out almost immediately. To make things worse, papa carried her back up the hill, slipped in the snow and dropped her face first in the cold stuff.

June ran back to the house and cried for papa to take her inside.
We tried another bin, but it just tipped over. June cried some more.

I took another solo run and wiped out. I did not like it.

Mama made June go down one more time. Mama says no one would ever know we're from Wisconsin the way we carried on over two inches of snow. I took a few more trips down the hill with mama before we took a walk around the neighborhood and eventually went inside.

This morning, mama and I went outside and walked around the neighborhood for a while. When we got back to our house, we borrowed our neighbors sleds. They proved to be much faster than our laundry basket and mama and I hit the bump of the berm (mama had the bruise on her bottom to prove it), flew across the road, and wiped out on the other side. We abandoned the fast sled and went back to the laundry basket. After I decided to go inside, mama stayed outside and ended up making friends with some new neighbors who invited her to build a snowman with their kids who actually liked the snow.

Before lunch, mama insisted that we go back outside one more time before lunch. This time she opened up the sandbox, hoping to lure June back into the snow. While mama and I scraped the snow and ice off Papa's car (which was very easy because it was now 40 degrees outside), mama wondered where June was. I told her she was inside the garage and this is how mama found her:
Face down in a mud puddle, just waiting for the misery to end. She wasn't even crying. Mama stripped her out of her muddy clothes and threw her inside.

I think mama is most upset because there is a big hill on campus that everyone goes to to get some good sledding. Not only was our driveway too icy to get safely down, it was clear that no one had any intention of going with her to hit the big hill. Maybe next year, mama.

The temperature hit 43 degrees today, so most of the snow is gone and the roads are clear. Regardless, we're surprised at how many things are still canceled- including Sunday morning church services. Mama can never remember Mass being canceled as a kid, but the churches down here must be a little more lenient.

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