Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Halloween Party- Henry.

Today we got to go to school for a candy party!!!! I love candy!!!
Juner and I dressed up in our costumes and posed for a picture before we got into the serious candy collecting. They had a photo booth just like at prom. Though mama reassured us both that we won't have to take each other to prom. She thinks we'll be able to find dates or at least con our cousins into going with us.

JB mostly crawled around on the floor. We gave her a pretzel to keep her from eating hay.
To earn candy, I had to perform feats of skill and strength. Easy stuff for the Dread Pirate Henry.

June tried her hand at bowling.

Later, I conquered my fear and climbed the big inflatable slide. It was great!

I ended up riding down it three times!Finally, I got to decorate a cookie. Since mama was making me wait until the end to eat my candy, I inhaled this in one bite before she could stop me.

We had tons of fun- especially mama. She loves a good festival.

We didn't even wait until we got home to dig into our booty. Mama let me have some as soon as we got outside. I picked the mini M&Ms, which become quite messy when you're trying to shovel 50 in your mouth at a time.
Juner fell asleep on the way home. Not surprising for a little girl who decided she was up for good at 4am. Mama decided this must not be the baby she ordered and is on the phone trying to trade in for a better baby that actually sleeps.

But once we got home, Jurey turned on the charm.

Where's that little frog going?

Every pirate needs his trusty frog companion.

Here's my best pirate face.

I told June that she really had to be cute to ensure mama didn't get rid of her. this is what she came up with.


Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing! You are both so cute! "Avast ye swabs" and baked beans? My you are growing up fast!

Love you all,
Aunt Molly


lesleymac said...

Hank & June-

You guys look so ADORIBLE! I love the pirate costume! It's soooo cute! Ribbbbbotttt for the frog!
