Monday, June 29, 2009

At the cabin- Henry.

Like we said before, our cabin had so many fun things to do, we hardly every left.
I pulled the girls around in the wagon.

We headed up to the pond to play a little lawn golf. That was cut short by Little Miss I Can't Share. It worked out well because mama discovered her new favorite game- Bocce Ball. She's still not very good, but it is more of an equalizer that Cornhole or Lawn Golf, which she normally finishes scoreless. (Ask Grams about the night we got her to play drinking Bocce ball. Let's just say that the 1.5 wine coolers didn't drink themselves!)

There were lots of books to read and usually someone to read them to us.

PawPaw brought me a Lightning McQueen fishing pole and we had fun catching fish.

We caught a big one and I didn't want to touch it but we had to hold it high so June couldn't grab it.

What an exhibitionist. By the end of the night she had the straps stretched down to her belly button. How modest.

Papa and Aunt Girl celebrated the beautiful weather with a catch.

The girls did venture into town occasionally (usually to buy more ice cream). Mama and Grams found two historic Logan walking tours and dragged Girl along on the 27 block, 30 stop tour. (Who knew there was so much history in Logan?) It was a very hot day, but they made it through thanks to the 89 cent Speedway Coke slushie. (Mama had three while she was there. No, Aunt Jenni, she's not pregnant, she just really like frozen cokes all the time.)

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